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Month: October 2013

East couloir, Volcan Lanin, Argentina

The lake district in both Chile and Argentina is a perfect location to ski some volcanoes during the Southern Hemisphere’s spring. Most of them can be skied in one day. For two of them a multi-day trip is required. Mount Tronador is more of a mountaineering objective and therefore lacking a great ski descent. The biggest ski objective of all the volcanoes therefore is Volcan Lanin. A two-day trip will get you to the summit of 3776 meters from where you can ski down a beautiful couloir on the East flank of the volcano…

Northern Patagonia; backcountry skiing

After freeriding in Las Leñas, it was time to explore the backcountry of the Andes in the springtime. In the lake district some mountain huts can be found that offer excellent terrain and some of the resorts offer easy accessible backcountry with amazing views. Furthermore the Andes is the place to ski some beautiful volcanoes. All objectives being located in Patagonia, the biggest enemy is the weather. I had time though, so between all the rain, snow and wind there should be some sunny spells…

Don Chiquino, Italian restaurant in Esquel, Argentina

Patagonia is full of touristy towns. The surroundings are worth a visit but the towns themselves are normally nothing more that a place to stay. Too many tourists and souvenir shops make the atmosphere a bit depressing every now and then. An advantage of these towns are the presence of great restaurants. Esquel is a town in the North of Patagonia that is different in the sense it’s not a touristy town. Locals still look a bit surprised when the odd tourist with skis walks in town. The town lacks good restaurants. There is however one exception: Don Chiquino!

Alto el Fuego, steakhouse in Bariloche, Argentina

When you think about Argentine food, you immediately think about big juicy steaks. Buenos Aires offers many excellent steakhouses, or parrillas as they are called locally. However, when you travel outside the capital, you’ll find some great places to eat as well. In San Carlos de Bariloche for example, located in the Northern part of Patagonia, I find a great restaurant where I returned multiple times to enjoy a beautiful piece of meat. This restaurant is called Alto el Fuego.